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На ФИЯ начинает работу китайский клуб

1 октября 2018 г. сектор по работе с иностранными студентами провёл на нашем факультете мероприятие, посвященное жизни и творчеству Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. Также Наталья Викторовна Буренина и Ольга Сергеевна Сафонкина объявили о создании китайского клуба на базе нашего факультета. В нём наши иностранные студенты смогут вместе общаться, обучаться, узнавать много нового, делиться впечатлениями и весело проводить время!

Педотряд «Наследие», Кирилл Хлопин и Егор Барановский помогали проводить различные игры. На мероприятии присутствовали наши китайские друзья, студенты Уханьского текстильного университета, обучающиеся у нас в рамках программы академической мобильности, китайские студенты с ИМЭ и итальянские студенты, обучающиеся у нас по программе академической мобильности Европейского Союза по обмену студентами и преподавателями между университетами стран членов Европейского Союза «Erasmus+».

Мероприятие запомнилось всем! У каждого осталось море положительных эмоций!

Чжу Цянь (Zhu Qian):

«This evening we fifteen Chinese girls and boys joined the Russian group and took part in many activities. We were in seventh heaven with such fantastic entertainments like drawing pictures of Pushkin, writing his verses and the bonus time for people who could answer questions alright. With the help of our dear Russian students, we were able to know well about Pushkin’s life. Meanwhile, we were encouraged to hold great passion and anticipation to paticipate in later parties as well as visit in Pushkin’s hometown. Thanks all the Russian students and teachers today.
I was very happy to participate in this activity. At the beginning, I thought classmates would only explain some of Pushkin’s life experiences for us, which would give us a preliminary impression of Pushkin’s former residence. However, to my surprise, games were added in this activity to let all students know more about each other. These games are entertaining but also related to Pushkin. This activity not only let me know about the famous Russian poet Pushkin, but also about the students. In the final question and answer session, everyone was in high mood and actively participated in it, which was very interesting. And i love this activity very much.
It’s a joyful gathering. Students in three different countries gathered together. We played games, introduced each other, we watched radio, got little competition. We all quite enjoyed this meeting. Thanks for all the local teachers, students to prepare this for us, we love it.»



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