Dear Russian colleagues!
We would like to invite you and your colleagues to publish an article in a publication from the 1st International SKA ELT Conference. The deadline for submissions is January 15th 2016. I know it is a rather short notice, but if you are interested, the article can be sent to my e-mail address:
There are two options for the type of an article:
1. We seek previously unpublished articles from English teachers and teacher trainers which reflect current theory and practice in English language teaching and which present practical ideas and recommendations that readers could apply in their classes with their students.
2. In addition, we welcome short Classroom Activities articles which introduce an instance of a particular, possibly original practice/technique the author has used successfully in their English language class: a warm-up activity, a long-term project…
Formatting and guideline information are appended.
I wish you Merry Christmas
Nice regards
Božena Horváthová
doc. PhDr. Božena Horváthová, PhD.
Katedra lingvodidaktiky a interkultúrnych štúdií
Pedagogická fakulta
Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
Drážovská 4
949 74 Nitra
Department of Language Pedagogy and Intercultural Studies
Faculty of Education
Constantine the Philosopher University
Drazovska 4
949 74 Nitra